# -*- Mode: Python -*-
# simple lambda language for the purpose of exercising the type inference engine
import lisp_reader
is_a = isinstance
class node:
class vardef (node):
def __init__ (self, name):
self.name = name
self.alpha = 0
class varref (node):
def __init__ (self, name):
self.name = name
class literal (node):
def __init__ (self, kind, value):
self.kind = kind
self.value = value
class function (node):
def __init__ (self, formals, body):
self.formals = formals
self.body = body
class application (node):
def __init__ (self, rator, rands):
self.rator = rator
self.rands = rands
class let (node):
def __init__ (self, names, inits, body):
self.names = names
self.inits = inits
self.body = body
class walker:
def go (self, exp):
return self.walk (exp)
def walk (self, exp):
# Note: for simplicity, no real syntax checking here
if is_a (exp, str):
return varref (exp)
elif is_a (exp, lisp_reader.atom):
return literal (exp.kind, exp.value)
elif is_a (exp, list):
rator = exp[0]
if is_a (rator, str):
if rator == 'lambda':
# ['lambda', [formal0, formal1, ...], body]
ignore, formals, body = exp
return function ([vardef (x) for x in formals], self.walk (body))
elif rator == 'let':
# ['let', [[name0, init0], [name1, init1], ...], body]
names = [vardef (x[0]) for x in exp[1]]
inits = [self.walk (x[1]) for x in exp[1]]
body = self.walk (exp[2])
return let (names, inits, body)
return application (self.walk (rator), [self.walk (x) for x in exp[1:]])
return application (self.walk (rator), [self.walk (x) for x in exp[1:]])
def rename_variables (exp):
# alpha convert <exp>
vars = []
def lookup (name, lenv):
while lenv:
rib, lenv = lenv
for i in range (len(rib)):
x = rib[i]
if x.name == name:
return x
raise ValueError ("unbound variable: %r" % (name,))
def rename (exp, lenv):
if is_a (exp, let) or is_a (exp, function):
if is_a (exp, let):
defs = exp.names
defs = exp.formals
for vd in defs:
vd.alpha = len(vars)
vars.append (vd)
if is_a (exp, let):
for i in range (len (defs)):
rename (exp.inits[i], lenv)
lenv = (defs, lenv)
rename (exp.body, lenv)
lenv = (defs, lenv)
rename (exp.body, lenv)
elif is_a (exp, varref):
if exp.name.startswith ('%'):
# primitive
exp.var = lookup (exp.name, lenv)
exp.name = '%s_%d' % (exp.name, exp.var.alpha)
elif is_a (exp, application):
rename (exp.rator, lenv)
for rand in exp.rands:
rename (rand, lenv)
elif is_a (exp, literal):
raise ValueError ("unknown node type")
rename (exp, None)
# now go back and change the names of the vardefs
for vd in vars:
vd.name = '%s_%d' % (vd.name, vd.alpha)